Clint Boge

3rd June 2020

I have known Lucas for over 20 years now and I have to say he is one of my favourite lyricists and songwriters. He is the sledgehammer of truth, there is no escaping his honesty and that’s why we need him on every level of creativity.

20 years on and I can still remember our first meeting, brash, bold, respectful, considerate, understanding but yet so full on and so full of life. His art/music reflects every aspect of the real life struggle, on every level, all the time. I still listen to his music and it was like being hit in the face with a sledgehammer, he is still one of my favourite characters, artists in the music biz today. So underrated, and yet still loved by all that know him. I whole-heartedly endorse anything this guy is doing. CHAMPION!!!

Lucas Stone, Tension, Helm, Hammers all great bands that have endured and survived. Even after such a long time, it seems like only yesterday that we toured together when “The Butterfly Effect” took on the world on our first tours around Australia. We couldn’t have done it without Lucas and his bands, the greatest touring partners, he will always be someone I care deeply for and call my friend.

Lucas has an inability to give up. This will always be a testament to over coming adversity and proving that music is a saviour for so many people. Elements of his story are not necessarily unique, however, the way in which he has turned his life around, through talent and the medium of music given the adversity thrown his way, is very unique. He is an inspiration to all that hear his story and his music.

Singer, guitarist, straight shooter and all round good guy, Lucas Stone is one of my favourite musicians. He is a brilliant songwriter who has given so much to independent music that still paves the way for so many up and coming musicians. I would not endorse anyone who didn’t deserve it and Lucas is one of the best.

Strong in opinion and a fighter for those that have no voice, he is truly an advocte for those that stuggle to be heard.